Thursday Keynote Speakers

Thursday, October 17, 2024, from 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Pacific time

Reaching New Heights

Description: Considered one of humanity’s greatest feats of physical, mental and emotional endurance, climbing to the summit of the world’s highest peak is a journey filled with unparalleled challenges through some of the roughest, most extreme conditions imaginable. Alan Mallory took on the challenge and set a world record when he, along with three other members of his immediate family, reached the summit. The expedition challenged the limits of their entire beings and at every stage of the ascent demanded an unwavering commitment to resilience and perseverance. From teetering across ladders spanning seemingly bottomless crevasses and fighting the many altitude-related sicknesses to clambering up vertical ice faces, every segment of the climb was filled with intense, extraordinary challenges.

Alan’s dynamic program focuses on developing engineering and leadership skills by reinforcing the strategies and mindset that are essential for success. Supported by tunning images and videos from the expedition, Alan highlights the technical skills, throughout processes, and action steps that allow us to move beyond our perceived limitations, both individually and collectively. Participants will come away with new perspectives and ideas on how each of us can continuously push the limits and make incremental improvements in our personal and professional journeys.

The underlying message is about how we as engineers need to reach new heights in the way we think and the actions we take in order to continuously improve ourselves, our industry reputation and our teams. Alan creates a powerful and unforgettable journey for his audience by integrating captivating mountaineering and adventure stories with his innovative engineering, leaderships, psychology, and project management experience.

Alan Mallory, P.Eng. (Ontario) – Speaker, Author, and Performance Coach

Biography: Alan is an international speaker, author and performance coach who is passionate about reaching new heights in all that we do. His unique philosophy of life revolves around empowering people and embracing an agile mentality focused on relationships and results. Alan holds a degree in Engineering from Queen’s University and a Masters in Psychology from Adler University, giving him a well-balanced approach to the outer and inner challenges we all face. He has worked all over the world as a professional engineer and project manager solving complex challenges in the mining and metals industry. Building experience through a lifestyle of adventure and challenge, Alan embarked on the journey of a lifetime and set a world record on Mount Everest along with three members of his immediate family. It was a two-month expedition through some of the most exciting yet terrifying conditions imaginable and their success demanded an unwavering perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024, from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Pacific time

Artificial Intelligence and Workplace Mental Health: How to Prepare with Agility

Description: The increasing presence of artificial intelligence in our lives can leave many overwhelmed and exhausted between new technologies and the need to keep up. For some, this can lead to various levels of anxiety.

In this presentation, Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier clarifies the potential psychological impacts of the changes we are currently experiencing and simplifies ways to mitigate the less desirable impacts and optimize the positive ones for you and your teams. With practical advice that is both research-based and experience-informed, she’ll help find your footing to take your next steps with agility.

Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier – International Bilingual Leadership Resilience and Burnout Prevention Expert, Work Psychologist

Biography: Throughout her career in business management and psychology, Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier has spearheaded a national dialogue on the crucial issues of leadership resilience and workplace health. 

Drawing on her extensive background in corporate, insurance, governance and public sectors, she brings national and international perspectives and expertise on mental health and resilience as a key pillar of overall health. She is a bilingual practicing psychologist with over 20 years of experience in clinical, counselling, and advisory workplace psychology and holds a Ph.D. in counselling psychology from the University of British Columbia and an MBA from the UBC Sauder School of Business. Marie-Helene is a Member of the Global Clinical Practice Network of the World Health Organization, and past Director on the boards of the Canadian Psychological Association and the International Association of Applied Psychology.

She has presented and authored and co-authored several industry and academic publications and was won numerous academic and industry awards, including the Industry Leadership Award from Benefits Canada.

*Sessions and presentations are subject to changes.